Online marketing has grown leaps and bounds, with many different ways to advertise online being identified every day. Classifieds, banner ads, popup and pop under ads, sales pages and even social media marketing are just a few options one can think of, when considering online marketing methods. But one thing remains unchanged – content and the importance of good content. We all know Internet thrives on good content. Why not harness it for marketing? Using content to promote products and services is considered effective. One of the best ways to use content is using article directories to submit articles online.

The key is using target keywords in the right ratio and submit articles online by Article Trunk. Keywords are words or phrases customers will use to search for a product or service online. One can also use a keyword suggestion tool to determine the right keywords for their business. These keywords are added to the articles and submitted. When customers type the keyword and search online, the articles you submitted will also get displayed. Depending on the quality of articles, it will appear in the first few pages or search results. In other words, quality of the content is the key when you submit articles online.

Though you are promoting your products or services, you must do it diligently. When you submit articles online, they should not be stuffed with keywords and junk content. Also, the same content should not be used multiple times, across different platforms or sites. Rather, the articles should be useful to the readers. Articles are ranked and listed based on their quality. If you want the articles you submit to get noticed, they should be an interesting and useful read. The keywords should be seamlessly added to the articles.

Also, when you submit articles online, you can add links to your website or products or services you want to promote. The keywords are linked to the website of the product or service you want to promote and readers click on it, when they find your content useful. Readers do understand you are using content for marketing, but without any concrete information, why will they click your link? For example: You search for a beauty solution online and find an interesting article on it. Won’t you trust the author’s judgment on the suggestion made in the article? Of course, you will. Only when you give readers useful information, they will be able to trust your products or services.

Most article directories, even the high-ranking sites are free of cost. This means, you pay for good content, but the submission done to multiple sites are free of cost. Of course, you can use paid sites too! But, you have ample free directories, which also rank well. So, you don’t have to shell out a lot of money like you have to do for other ways of advertising. Since it is cost-effective, it is suitable for startups and small businesses too. It is an affordable marketing strategy with good ROI. That’s by itself, one of the best reasons to submit articles online.