Office design and having a good office fit out is very important for modern businesses. It is a great way to improve the working environment and team morale. 


Think about it, when you walk into the office, the first thing you see is the overall design. There will be things which you will notice that don’t look great. Things like paint fading away and dirty carpets, old desks and discoloured chairs. All of these things can affect the initial feelings of an employee as soon as they walk into the office. 


Sometimes, the size of your office cannot be helped which means the design of the office fit out needs to be perfect. 

How To Make The Office More Attractive

There are many ways you can make your office more attractive, often an important step when expanding your business. Simple things like changing the old office chairs for new ones. Let’s take a look at how you can improve your office design. 

Plenty Of Colours

Although many people like simplicity, sometimes colour in your office can be a mood changer. Bright colours (not too bright) around the room are an instant mood booster and there are many different ways you can do this. One of those ways is to have different coloured chairs. Another thing you can do is paint the walls different colours, however, make sure they go well together. 


Lighting is another great mood booster for your employees. Something that many people hate is bright lights. You may notice that the older offices have bright square ceiling lights. The type of lights that everybody groans at when they get turned on. 


A more modern office needs to move away from these ceiling lights. Instead, aim for warm lighting around the office to create a more positive environment. Furthermore, you can add fairy lights in your office that could either be ganging off the shelving or just stuck to the wall. They could even be hanging from the ceiling. 


Improving the furniture in your office is essential for staff members as well. You don’t want to have furniture for too long because it can become outdated and not like a modern office.


For an office fit-out, you should look to replace all furniture with new. Also, pick furniture that is contemporary and doesn’t follow interior design trends. That way, your office won’t become outdated. Things to replace would be office chairs and ergonomic chairs. You can also consider L-shaped desks for your employees as well. In the communal area, consider buying new tables and chairs, as well as sofas that people can sit on and relax.


All of these things are great for upgrading your office and making it more welcoming for your employees and for any clients that come to your meeting. 

What Are The Benefits Of A New Commercial Fit-Out? 

Now, you have seen how you can make changes to your office with a fit, we will look at the impact it will have on your employees. 

Helps To Boost Employee Performance

The number one benefit of a new office fit-out is to help boost employee performance. If you have a modern office that fulfils the needs of your employees, they will perform much better. An office will impact the employees massively and will help reduce staff turnover. Moreover, they will be much happier to work in your office, because they are in a better environment. Also, if you purchase ergonomic chairs and buy new tech such as ergonomic mouse pads and keyboards, your business will improve much more. 

Helps Improve Your Brand Image

Another positive about an office fit-out is to help strengthen your brand image. Something that many employees want is to work in a company that is proud of who they are. They want to see branding all around the office they work in, including the communal areas. 


It isnt just your employees that you want to please either, you should also look to impress everyone who enters your office. This includes new potential clients as well as your existing clients who are coming for a meeting. 

Make More Use Of Existing Space

Another benefit to an office fit-out is to make more use of the space that you have. There are offices out there that either have too many desks in one room or too few in the office. If you have too many desks in your office, you may feel like it is cramped and so will your employees. This might make employees feel like they are being watched constantly. Other people may feel like they are stepping on someone else’s toes. 


There are also negatives to not having enough desks in an office. If you have a lot of space when there is room for more desks, you are not getting your money’s worth out of the office. The more staff you have, the more money you can make. Just remember not to get too many staff onboard or else it will become crowded. 

Improve Technology

Another positive about improving the office is that you can improve the technology that you have. Better technology means better quality of work. It also makes employees happier because they are using the best equipment in the industry. 


It isn’t about mice and keyboards that need improving in your office. Another thing to remember is the internet connection. Employees don’t want to work on a poor internet connection and it can prolong certain tasks, especially in an office environment, you need the best internet possible for your employees. 

Make Sure You Fulfil Employees Needs

Before you get an interior designer, you need to speak to your employees to see what they want. Communicating with your employees will make them feel more included in the office fit and therefore, will make them a lot happier that they are involved.


Don’t be afraid to ask your employees what they want and need to feel more comfortable at work. This could include things like a communal area for their lunches, it could also include ergonomic equipment whilst they are working. They may ask for a coffee or vending machine for the office. All of these things are important because it is what the employee wants and needs to make their experience better. 


There are many positives to an office fit, especially with your employees. Remember, it is important to work with your employees and see what they want and need for a better experience at work. If you communicate with your employees to see what they want, they will feel more include in the office fit-out and have more input on your company.