The roof is the most important part of the Fakro home. Without it, it’s just like living outside in the cold because rain, hail and snow would still be able to reach you and your belongings.  At the end of the day, therefore, you need a roof that works and that keeps you safe from climatic conditions. Here are several conditions that show you that it is time to call Brisbane roof restoration professionals.


The first thing you consider when you call roof restorations professionals if the age of your roof. The rule of thumb is that a roof that has been functional for more than 20 years should be restored. Maintenance should be done on such a roof regularly. Once a roof is 10 years old, you should consider calling a professional who will check and perform necessary repairs on the roof. You will find that roof restorations are cheaper than replacing the entire roof.


If you have tiled roofs on your property, you will have to regularly check for cracks and breaks. These cracks can be fatal to your roof because they are potential leak areas. Once you see a crack, replace it immediately to prevent water from sipping through and eventually leaking into your Fakro home and damaging your property. When water sips through your roof, there are high chances that the wood in your roof will begin rotting.

Roof activity from the inside

You need to frequently look for several signs of roof damage from your roof. You ceiling will show you when your roof is damaged. For instance if you notice that there are dark spots on your ceiling, they may be signs that your ceiling has begun leaking. If you do not have a ceiling, you will notice that your roof is aging or is damaged if you see light coming through the roof.  If you any sign, you need to contact roof restoration professionals immediately and have your roof looked at.

Signs from the outside of the roof

When looking for signs of roof damage from the outside, you may need to climb a ladder in order to see clearly. There are several things you will see on the roof. For instance, it is time to repair or even replace your roof is you shingles, rot or any form of wear out. You also need to look at the roof valleys chimneys and even the gutter for signs that your roof is damaged. Once you notice even the smallest sign, call a professional. If you wait too long you may have to replace the entire roof. When there is a heavy downpour, water may go through the roof and into the house. It may damage most of your electronic devices.


For iron sheets and gutters, the first sign of damage is corrosion. If you notice water gathering and signs of rusting, it is time to replace that iron sheet with a newer one. If the rust is only beginning to for, you may consider painting the roof to minimize corrosion.