Quite Great music promotion have been helping artists to tour the UK and grow their audience by developing PR campaigns for dates across the country. We have contacts with local media and national media along with an in-house tour agency, Quite Great Live, and so understand the importance of bringing strong PR together to help build fans.

Whether it is in the past working with dates for the likes of Van Morrison, Yes, Meatloaf, Chris Rea, Russell Watson through to John Hiatt, right through to The Temptations our PR has always been eclectic and focused.

We have also helped promote acts appearing at Glastonbury through to Secret Garden, from Proms in the Park to Car Fest again understanding the importance of individual dates within a tour. Primarily, Quite Great due to its integrated label services side now works with developing artists to maximise the media opportunities open to them across the UK.

Timing is everything when it comes to building tour PR

The most important thing about building tour PR and promotion is to get the timing correct, hence when working on a major tour, the longer you have to prepare the better as the first step is the make sure the announcement is drafted and targeted correctly. Is it the kind of tour that is going to need an exclusive announcement through the likes of NME.COM or a tabloid newspaper? From that point we make sure all relevant listings areas are on board and then the initial wave of local radio interviews, from community to mainstream and then ensuring that the print media have the dates on their radar. It may be important to make sure that where possible certain dates have a particular PR opportunity attached for example, getting a photo opportunity arranged to highlight to the local media that the show is truly on the road. The photo opportunity is something that we love arranging and this undoubtedly then allows us to increase broadcast and print focus.

Use all tools at your disposal

Quite Great help PR tours that focus on media not just in England, but Scotland and Wales as well, we have an active online and digital team who can help drive increases in social networking as well as arranging competitions and features in online music blogs, and most importantly we are used to dealing with many differing musical styles from punk to classical this is because over twenty years we have never allowed ourselves to fall into a niche music genre. Our team offer individuals giving you advice and PR growth across, radio, online, TV and radio

Contact us for a chat and tell us about your dates we will do all we can to give you the best deal possible and a friendly team to help your dates.  Skype – quitegr8 ; email ask@quitegreat.co.uk