Google is beginning to make it harder for SEO Experts to achieve their jobs. Many experts are increasing their consulting services but reducing their work services because of the difficulty of the jobs. Here are some important tips and tricks that experts need to take into consideration when doing a job to avoid having no success:
- Using the right keywords in the appropriate places. What keywords are appropriate to use and are they strategically placed in the article or published content? This does not comply with a structure approach.
- Use research: Google is placing a lot more value on content that is not only original but that is worthy to the reader to read. Content that gets a lot of engagement (user signals) is very valuable to readers, especially is it helps them think and want to read more.
- Building and growing a network: As important as link building is in search engine optimization, it is more important for Google and engines that determine your online authority, the quality of the people that engage with you. Not only do you want to attract traffic, but you want to attract good traffic.
For more SEO information if you are game enough to perform the daunting task of SEO, contact the Montreal SEO Expert using the link provided above.