Most academic assignments require students to quit everything and concentrate on writing. And, despite the tasks being complex, tiring, and time-consuming, they are an essential part of modern academic pursuits. Students that don’t write brilliant papers and essays can’t score good grades. In fact, some academic writing tasks are requirements for graduation. That means without completing them, students endanger their professional future. Nevertheless, it’s possible to complete academic tasks with ease when you have a simple and clear guide. This article provides tips or pointers that you will need to write any assignment with ease.

Understand the assignment

Before you do anything else, read the assigned question and understand what exactly you are required to do. Look for keywords that tell you what exactly you need to do or the most appropriate approach to take. Such words include “explain”, “list”, “highlight”, “illustrate”, and “elaborate” among others. Such terms should guide you in determining what you need to do. Once you have understood what the educator wants you to do, brainstorm for ideas on the topic. If you are required to write a paper or an essay, select a topic that you love. Also decide on the methods and ways of elaborating your points or defending your argument.


Once you have understood the assignment question, come up with an outline. Every assignment expert will emphasize the essence of an outline. Outlining is basically part of the planning process. And, your outline should include the ideas or points that you raised after understanding the question. Never start writing your assignment without an outline because doing so will lead to a disorganized presentation of ideas. Without an outline, you can also leave out important ideas or points in your discussion. Basically, an outline is a skeleton of the final assignment. It enables you to focus while writing the assignment as well as defining your main ideas or points. It also saves you time by organizing your thoughts while making literature searches easier. With an outline, you can easily create varying sections of your assignment and even divide up the task on the basis of the specified word count.

Write the introduction

You can write the introduction at this point or after you have written the other sections. An introduction is basically a roadmap for the readers. It enables them to understand what to expect in the body of your work. That means it’s very important because many people decide whether to read the rest of the work depending on what the introduction tells them. You can opt to write this section after writing the other parts because at that time you know what exactly is in the entire piece. But, if for any reason you can’t come up with an impressive introduction, seek assistance from a friend, a relative or a professional assignment helper.

Ideally, your introduction should do the following:

  • Introduce the subject area or topic
  • Indicate the purpose or aim of your assignment
  • Signal the overall plan or structure of your assignment
  • Mention the scope or limit of your assignment
  • Provide your thesis statement or the main argument

Write the body

The body of your assignment is where you present your main points or support your stated argument. This should have structured paragraphs that reflect critical thinking based on the assignment question. It should also reflect the order that you have chosen to present your argument. Make sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence, the body and the concluding sentence. A topic sentence is a statement of the main idea of a paragraph. The body contains examples, evidence, and explanations that support the topic sentence. The concluding sentence should link your main idea and the body to the assignment topic or your argument. Composing each paragraph with these sections is the major challenge for many students. That’s why many learners seek assignment help at or sites like that.

Write the conclusion

Your conclusion should be a summary of the main points that you discussed in the body of your assignment. It should also provide suggestions, recommendations, or questions that need answers. This is the section where you evaluate the argument that you made in the body of your assignment. Many learners find conclusions difficult to write. As such, they seek help with their assignments online from experienced experts.

Ideally, a conclusion should:

  • Provide the key points briefly
  • Contain no new information or ideas
  • Relate your key points to the argument or assignment question directly

Note that the conclusion gives you the final chance to impress the reader. Therefore, make it as powerful as you can.

Generally, writing assignment can be a source of stress among some learners. That’s because some academic tasks are time-consuming and generally difficult to write. Nevertheless, following these guidelines and tips will enable you to write a brilliant assignment and earn superior grades. However, if for any reason you can’t write your assignment, hire a professional assignment writing service online.