Wooden flooring is a stunning addition to any home, offering you a look that will fit with any style of décor. It is equally suited to a modern home as well as something more traditional. Whilst most people will choose hardwood flooring for their home over other types of flooring because of the stunning aesthetic beauty that it adds to any room, there are plenty of other reasons to invest in wood flooring that you might not have considered.

If you are considering hardwood flooring in Hampshire but are not sure which sort would be most appropriate for your home, then why not get in touch with a company who specialises in all types of wood flooring. They would have the knowledge and understanding of what would suit your needs and will be able to discuss the various types of hardwood flooring that are available with you.


Allergies of all types are common all over the world, and can make life very miserable for those who live with them on a day to day basis. Whilst many people only suffer from moderate symptoms as a result of their allergies, there are those that suffer from much more severe symptoms. Allergies appear to be on the rise and for those people who live with allergies such as asthma, it is very important to ensure that as many of the things that can trigger an attack are no longer around. Hardwood flooring is an ideal flooring choice for anyone who suffers from allergies for this very reason and it is certainly worth considering if you do suffer from allergies.

Why wood flooring?

When it comes to the lounge or any other main living area in the home, many people believe that carpet is the only way to go. It is soft and can feel lovely and cosy under your feet, especially in the winter. Unfortunately, if you suffer from allergies, carpets can be a real breeding ground for many of those indoor allergens that can trigger your symptoms. These allergens are not visible to the naked eye, but they can still have a major impact on the body and how it reacts to their presence.

Carpeting is a flooring type that is often better avoided by those with allergies, especially those who suffer from more severe symptoms, as it can all too easily trigger an allergic reaction that can be very debilitating. Regular vacuuming and a machine that has been designed to help remove as many allergens as possible can only go so far when it comes to removing those allergens that can cause health issues.

Hardwood flooring is not as cold underfoot as people might think and, fitted properly with the right insulating layer, can be warm enough in the winter and cooler in the summer giving you the best of both worlds. Hardwood flooring is resistant, unlike carpets, when it comes to trapping those allergens that exist in the home and that can cause issues such as dust, pollen, dander and even mould. Brushing it every day can really help to keep on top of the build-ups of these things on your floor. For a more thorough clean that will really help to ensure that your home is free of the more common allergens, using a damp (but not wet) mop frequently should be all that is required.

The benefits

Hardwood flooring is not only easy to clean, making it easier to keep allergens at bay, but it is also a truly stunning choice of flooring for the home. It comes in a fantastic range of shades and natural wood colours which will work really well with any décor style. Whilst the price may be seen by some as a deterrent, not only will you be getting a product that is incredibly durable but also one that will have a positive impact on your allergies.