Today call center is one of the most chosen jobs among young generation. Most people choose call center as a part time job. Many people have different dreams. Few people are really passionate about their dreams. Sometimes they need to do a lot of struggle to achieve their dreams. In this struggling period, they often run out of money. To solve such economical problems they need part time jobs. Call center is a good option to choose for the people who are seeking part time jobs. There are a lot of call centers all over India. Some of the best call centers are found in Mumbai. Many call center jobs in Mumbai pay a good salary to fresher who want to take call center as a part time job option.
What is a Call Center?
Many people are still unknown about call centers. Call center is an organization where people make incoming and outgoing calls to deal the issues related to the customers and the organization. If you are doing a call center job then you have to deal with following issues:
- Answering customer inquiries
- Messaging instantly to frequently asked questions
- Doing a live chat and sorting various issues
- Call customers for best deals provided by the organization
- Let the customers know about exiting deals
- Impressing your customers with a good communication skill
- Try to provide more and more benefits to the organization
Requirements for the Job
The best part of Call center jobs in Mumbai is that there is no higher qualification need. The organization only demands that the employees should be highly dedicated and passionate about the job. So if you are ready to show your dedication and passion for this job then the job is all yours. The basic requirements for this job are:
- Good communication skill
- Knowledge of dealing customers over voice calls
- Multitasking skill
- Time management
- Applicants should be HSC (+2) passed out
- Knowing basic languages like Hindi and English fluently
- Knowing regional language of the call center(not compulsory)
From Part Time to Full Time
You can not only do a part time job but also can choose a full time option. If you have the basic experience of call centers then you can do it as a full time job. Call center jobs in Mumbai provide a handsome salary to the full time working employees. Having few years of experience of such jobs can lead you to promotions too. There are a lot of higher designations available in this job like Technical head, Zonal manager, Regional manager etc. You can definitely choose call centers as a career option. Call centers are no more limited to part time jobs. People are working hard and making good money from call centers. You can fulfill all your dreams by working here. Call centers build your career and your economical status without requiring any higher qualification.
The Technical Part
There are some technical things you need to know about call centers. Each employee is provided a computer screen and a headphone for chatting. The organizations have their own soft wares of various data and information. The employee should know everything about the software. The employee should be quick to reply all the queries and handling various deals. All of the computer systems are linked with the main computer through LAN. Every call, message and chat done by the employee is saved in the record of the organization. Many multinational companies, small companies, govt. and private organization require call centers for customer relationship management. Incoming calls need to be answered according to customer’s query and outgoing calls need to be handled according the script provided by the organization.
Be Patient and Talk
Many times it is seen in call centers that employees get stressed due to talking with the customers for the whole day. Some times you need to talk according to the script while sometimes you have to handle the matter by your own intellect. Talking to different types of customers with different languages can really be stress full some time. All you need to be patient and stay calm at the time of calling as this is your profession and you can not let your company reputation down.