Doing a part-time job is always lucrative for a student like you provided he can spare time and manage his study mainlining quality and expected productivity. This is a wonderful way to earn extra for balancing the cost of study as well as to maintain a better living standard even when you are out of your home. For students studying from their home, part time jobs are simple and safe way to earn extra to help family or to earn pocket money.
However the scenery may seem rosy apparently, but there are some hidden if and buts here. As a full time student you need to check some aspects of doing part time job before actually you plunge into the work field. Check here some points, which you should check before starting a part time job.
Check if the job is a student job or a part time job
Before say yes to a part time job, check if it is a student job or a permanent job. In case it is a student job, check with your employers if he has given you the consent of doing the job being aware about your student status, so that you may avail facility of exam leave, study leave, etc.
In case of normal part time job, your status will be of a regular part timer. Officially you cannot claim your study leave or students’ advantage. However, unlike student’s job, the salary is of higher scale in a regular part time job.
Check your scope for time management
Advanced education involves lots of study, completion of projects, consulting reference books etc. in order to get good score in exam. If you have opted for doing part time job, there is a possibility that you may need to compromise with your study time and it may put your result under risk.
Unless it is your dire need or there is a possibility that student job will unfurl some grand opportunity later, you must check and think twice before taking a part time job so that by any means your academic career should not be at stake.
Check if the job suits the choice
This is a personal choice but the secret of balancing study and part time jobs is hidden in this clue. We love to work on something that we are fond of. We hardly get exhausted while doing our preferred job. You as a student must select a job that suits your preference. If you are a people’s man, a public communication job will keep you happy but if you are an introvert person, some back office job or creative job perhaps will suit you better.
Also you must check if the job schedule and your class time are not getting mixed-up! Ultimately, neither study nor the job should get hampered! Choosing a part time job related to your study can be rewarding in both the ways.
Try for availability of Internships or practical placements
Internships or practical placements are all perfectly students’ job available allied to your study field. These jobs can add extra credential of practical work in your resume, which is an attractive option to empower your job search.
Check legal side and explore some other options of fund arrangement
This is especially applicable for students studying abroad. Check with your embassy if you are eligible to do student’ part time job. It is always good to verify your employer’s status as well as your job responsibility before starting a part time job.
Before you start a part time job, just check if you manage your deficit fund by availing some scholarships. If your result is consistently good and you maintain a good students’ track record of good conduct, there is good possibility that you will get some references for sure. Before getting into a part time job, do not forget to explore this unbeaten path of getting sponsorship for fund management.
These are 5 realistic points that can keep you disturbed for long after taking a part time job besides your student status quo. It is highly solicited that before applying for a part time job keeping your student status on, you should check the pros and cons of taking a part time job! You will be able to stay safe and enjoy life tension free.