Marketing your business on Twitter takes though, forethought and then prompt action. You cannot keep your business going without using some form of marketing. Twitter is the answer to these marketing problems. One challenge comes in when it comes down to the 140 character limit that Twitter imposes on its users. Marketers have to be creative in order to get their point across without being accused of spamming their followers. Here are three tips that can help you get the most out of your Twitter account while keeping your business in the public eye.

Helpful Ideas Are The Best Tweets

When it comes to tweets and business, most people do miss the boat on this subject. The object of using Twitter for your business is to create a sense of value. Helpful hints, ideas and inspiration will keep people coming back for more and this also will build your reputation as an expert. This reputation will only help your business. Listen to problems and offer helpful solutions as a part of your tweeting. Make your content and your tweets count for yourself and your business without going overboard and blowing the human factor.


Persistence is the Key To Success

While the helpful ideas will help, you have to be persistent when you tweet. This doesn’t mean do it part time, but spend as much time as you would if you had an offline business. Doing this part time is missing the point and people notice how much you tweet and post. Tweeting daily is the best idea to get noticed without being spammy. Showing up daily and engaging your followers is the best process and best practice in order to grow your reputation online. This cannot be said or focused on enough. There is a fine line between engaging and spamming. Be sure that you know what the difference is and what the definition of persistence truly is.

Keep Yourself On Topic

Consider this a hot button issue when dealing with Twitter. Some tweeters go way off topic, leaving their audience a bit confused or worse yet, thinking that the person in question doesn’t know what they are talking about. Being a pro in your niche requires that you stay on topic when tweeting about your field of expertise. Resist the urge to go on a different tangent than what you normally do. The more that you can stay on topic, the better off you will be, the more appreciative your audience will be and the more of an expert you will be on your chosen topic. The more value that you provide, the better your followers will like what you have to say. Stop providing value and watch them fade into the sunset.

Many businesses and tweeters also have a practice of utilizing twitter marketing to keep their business afloat and reach new people every day. You can be a business that successfully runs on the internet or you can be one that fails depending on your viewpoint, your tweets and careful marketing on Twitter. Knowing what to say and do is often most of the battle, but the actual practice can be a bit tricky if you don’t know the ground rules. Make the best use of Twitter by following these tips so that you make the best use of a limited space or tweet. Your company, followers and readers will appreciate it to no end.